Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Do you believe in magic?

Just three years ago, my sweet husband and I had the most magical experience in our lives up to that point.  We were married for time and all eternity in the Louisville, KY LDS temple.

We'd come a long way from our first New Year's eve, and even further from the two weird high school students vandalizing a band room. Sure hope that electrical wiring wasn't hard to fix!

As I reflect on our third anniversary, I'd like to share some of the most magical times we've experienced since May 29, 2009.

In January 2010, we went on our first great big vacation.  The most magical part was seeing a place neither of us had ever been together.  We spent a long weekend in New York City.  And seriously, this frozen hot chocolate was delightful.

In October 2010, we had the magical experience of meeting our first little boy, James.

In October 2011, we again had the magical experience of meeting a little one, this time, Sam. 

In May 2012, we got to take our first family vacation.  We went to Washington DC, and were able to visit the DC temple where my parents were married 20 years prior.  It was a fun way to commemorate that day. 

And here we are-May 2012, celebrating our third anniversary.  We got a babysitter, went to a fantastic restaurant, and then sat and talked in a gazebo at the park.  It was quiet and peaceful, magical even.

It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in the celestial room at the temple waiting to join hands and be sealed for eternity, and yet so much has changed.  There's no better feeling in the world than knowing you're married to a person who is perfect for you.  You see, with this incredible man, every day is magical in some way or another.  I'm pretty much the luckiest girl in the world. 

Do you believe in magic?

1 comment:

Alisa said...

You have the cutest family!!